My mum is trying to force me to spend Christmas with her boyfriend and
his family. I don’t understand why she always forces me to do things that I
don’t want to do. I don’t feel comfortable around him and she knows why but she
doesn’t care. He isn’t my family, and his family isn’t my family. If she wants
to spend Christmas with them, she can but that doesn’t mean I have to. I told
her I didn’t want to go, and she should respect that decision. She never
respects me. I feel like I always be under her control. She acts like a tyrant
and a dictator.
I’m an adult but she doesn’t treat me like an adult, I’m being dictated
under her rule. She is always angry and gets worse when I refuse to go along
with whatever she wants me to do. She’s only nice to me when I go along with
everything. It’s almost like she wants to live my life for me I can’t have a
life of my own. I can’t breathe around her.
One minute she acts like a normal person and then the next second she
turns into a complete psychopath and loses the plot over nothing. I feel like
I’m constantly around a mental patient. I must walk around on eggshells in the
hope that she won’t explode. My mum loves being angry and hating something and
I’m sick of her sticking her nose into my business all the time and I’m
sick of her telling me what to say (and not what to say) and what to do (and
what not to do). She gives me no privacy, she is always snooping. The only
privacy I have is inside my head, and she would invade there if she could. I
cannot make any choice on my own; they have to be all dictated by her. When I’m
around her I feel so drained. I’m tired of being dictated to. She wants me
totally under her control.
#toxicmom #toxicmother #toxicparents #controllingmother
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