
Showing posts from August, 2024

Jack London



KILLED BY MY MOTHER My Dream Blog I had this dream that I walked into my mother’s house, and she had a room where all my brother’s belongings were in, and she had his photos all over the wall. I was lying on this bed inside this room, and she was stabbing me and cutting me. I was lying there, and she was killing me, and I was completely powerless to stop her. I kept screaming NO, but she was uncompassionate and kept doing it.                 I then was inside this house and there was a group of people who didn’t know me but they were trying to kill me, but I was able to get away with each attempt. I noticed that they also had harmed other people, and they wanted to do the same to me. None of their previous victims were able to escape, but I was able to escape. In my dreams, I can fly, and flew away and got away because I found all these exits. I kept finding myself back in the same location but each time I was able to escape and save myself and they became even more frustrated with me.


 Venus BANANARAMA My Music Blog  When I was an older child my stepsister Autumn, my stepbrother Samuel, my sister, my brother and I would go visit Dad and Donna’s occasionally on the weekends. Dad and Donna would move house a fair bit and for a time they were living up at Tascott at the Central Coast, NSW.  We were all still relatively young, I was still a child and they were teenagers (I was the youngest). When we traveled up to Tascott we would travel alone and had no adult supervision. Adult supervision wasn’t a big deal back in the 1980's. Us three girls didn’t like to sit with our brothers so we would sit in a different carriage. Tascott at the time had a small train station so we had to travel on a particular carriage just so we could get off the train and be able to get onto the platform.   On the way up to Tascott we would listen to music on our portable stereo. The girls liked Venus by Bananarama which was a huge hit at the time and my sisters would play that song so loud


My Music Blog PETER ANDRE Sharon was a big fan of Peter Andre I remember once she got her mother to go to the shopping centre for her to get his autograph. Peter Andre was the support act when Madonna performed in Sydney with the Girlie Show in the ‘90s. I can’t find any photos of Madonna and Peter Andre together. Matthew, Sharon and I went to that concert. Matthew and I were buying Madonna merchandise, but Sharon was buying all this Peter Andre merchandise. Peter Andre was famous in Australia, he only had a few hit songs and I can’t even remember what those hit songs were, I remember the one that went “Gimme a little sign girl”. He was a bit of a one-hit wonder. I wasn’t a big fan of his music. I don’t have any of his songs. Molly Meldrum, the Australian music guru discovered him and made him famous, and he believed Andre was going to be the next big thing. He believed he was going to be the next Michael Jackson, but he never did become a successful music artist. After h


DELETING PEOPLE OFF FACEBOOK                 Facebook is an interactive website and that’s its purpose. Facebook is an internet website where we can communicate with friends, family and Facebook friends who I have the same interests and hobbies with. It’s a communication device. We follow news websites, groups and pages.                 I have never added people onto my Facebook list just for the numbers, I don’t care for numbers. There are people who will add people just to look popular and will spend most of their time online ignoring 90% or more of their so-called friends. It’s all about narcissism, about their image and wanting to be popular (or to look popular). If you have hundreds of friends on Facebook and you ignore most of them, you’re just using them. You aren’t their friends.                 My Facebook friends are people who I like, who I want to interact with and want to remain in touch with. I have a genuine interest in them and their life and what they are doing a


My Dream Blog JIM CARREY I had a bad day yesterday; I went to bed and cried myself to sleep. Within my dream I received a text message from Jim Carrey sending me his support, telling me he is there for me. I replied thanking him and he told me that he will reply to me later that night.   #jimcarrey