Facebook is an interactive website and that’s its purpose. Facebook is an internet website where we can communicate with friends, family and Facebook friends who I have the same interests and hobbies with. It’s a communication device. We follow news websites, groups and pages.

                I have never added people onto my Facebook list just for the numbers, I don’t care for numbers. There are people who will add people just to look popular and will spend most of their time online ignoring 90% or more of their so-called friends. It’s all about narcissism, about their image and wanting to be popular (or to look popular). If you have hundreds of friends on Facebook and you ignore most of them, you’re just using them. You aren’t their friends.

                My Facebook friends are people who I like, who I want to interact with and want to remain in touch with. I have a genuine interest in them and their life and what they are doing and what they are into (music, films etc.)

                I have never had any interest in being popular in real life or online. I’ve met people who have a lot of followers online, they aren’t that popular – it’s all a mirage. Even when I was at school, the uncool kid, the unpopular kid, I didn’t want to be popular. I don’t care if people like me or not. People shouldn’t get wrapped up in whether people like them or not. It’s not important. Be a good person and treat people with respect and that’s all that matters. I know me, I know me better than anybody else does. So why would I care what they think of me, they don’t know me as well as I do. If you know someone is making you out to be someone who you aren’t, then that is who they are, and you cannot envy a person who behaves that way. That’s not a person you would want to be. I would rather have a small group of friends, family and followers in life and online that are genuine. I don’t care if someone LIKES one of most posts every blue moon, and sometimes just acknowledge my existence. I don’t expect them to revolve their life around me, I respect people’s time and boundaries. If they are for me every now and then, I respect that.

                I’ve had so many false people in my life, toxic people. Many people in my past weren’t good to me. I would rather have self-respect than to keep people in my life that treat me like shit or just don’t give a fuck about me. Fake people should be in the company of other fake people, just stay away from me. In truth, most fake people I know do associate with other fake people. They have a lot in common.

                If somebody is on Facebook, whether it’s a friend, family member or Facebook friend who ignores me, blocked me so they can’t see what I’m posting (to ignore me on purpose), or lurk on me without interacting with me, like some weirdo; what is the point in keeping them on my Facebook? There is no reason to keep them. If somebody has been on my Facebook and hasn’t interacted with me or even LIKE’d one thing that I’ve posted, then I’m going to delete them otherwise it’s pointless to keep them around for the next 5 years so they can continue to disrespect me like I matter not to them. Actions speak louder than words.

                I use Facebook often enough; I log on once a day; I’m not on it all the time but I have a look and post a couple of things. I’m not one of those people that is on my phone scrolling online all the time, I would get bored doing that. I see people doing that, spending hours on the phone just looking, watching, but I can’t spend that amount of time online just scrolling. I have hobbies, I listen to music, read, write, and do stuff. The internet is good and so is Facebook and other websites, but its good to do other things as well. There are times when I’m in a boring atmosphere and when you are in that environment, it’s hard not to look at your phone or look at the web. If I have the TV on, I usually have it on in the background when I’m on the internet or writing etc. I can’t sit and watch TV or a movie, I must be doing something else at the same time. I’m not like people who just sit there and look at the screen for hours. I would get bored quickly. Watching television and doing nothing else, is a waste of time. I can’t give my entire attention to the television, never. I don’t watch much TV, not during the day and there’s little on during the night.  


                I don’t cull people off Facebook that often, I’ve had the same people on my Facebook friends list for years. I only delete people if they have Facebook but never use it, they ignore me for a long duration of time, they have bullied or abused me (they are toxic)… DELETE.

                There are times I block people, but I don’t go to that extreme unless someone is harassing me or toxic. If I delete someone, I don’t automatically block them.

                Judy, was looking at my mum’s Facebook account and she noticed how many Facebook friends she had. I said, ‘she never deletes people’. My mum rarely used Facebook when she first got it and when she was working. She used to only go on it once a week or something and then log off. She only started using it more after she retired. My mum didn’t care what people were doing online because she was rarely on. When she retired and she was on Facebook more she started culling people. Some people leave people on their Facebook because they just can’t be bothered dealing with it.

                There are people on your Facebook friends list who will ignore you on purpose, this is a form of abuse and bullying. They will do it on purpose to make you feel worthless, to be vindictive and cruel. They think they are better than you and look down on you and don’t want to waste a second of their time on you. They may treat you the same way in real life. People like this are two faced. If they don’t like you, they would delete you; they wouldn’t keep you as a friend. This is a person who has disdain for you, most likely bitches and criticises you to other people behind your back. They lurk on your Facebook to passively aggressively hurt you. They will watch what you do to nit pick or make critical remarks about you to others.

                You will find that there are complete strangers you have on Facebook that will like you, care about you and have more time for you. It’s sad that strangers care about you more than your own friends and family, but sometimes that’s the way it is. People are cruel.

                I don’t turn my nose up at people and look down on them, and if I find someone so toxic, I will delete them rather than pretend to be friends with them. I used to always be the one who would go out of their way for people. These days I’m only there for those who are there for me, which is a few people. I don’t want to play games. I’m over LIKE’ing people’s posts who just ignore me all the time. These are the games people play and then turn around and pretend they are innocent and make other people to look like the bad guy. When you ignore them in return or delete them, they will deflect and pretend they haven’t ignored you in 2 years but make out you to be the bad guy. There’s a lot of people who behave this way, toxic people.

                When I’m on Facebook I don’t over post, I try to post only a couple things on my Facebook feed a day, sometimes none, it depends. I’ve heard people say that people ‘over post’, I have friends who do this online. Post about 10 or 15 things a day. All their thoughts and lots of photos. Drowning out your Facebook feed. I had a friend who does this, but I take it in my stride. This person had depression and was getting things off their chest. They weren’t always sad or angry, they also posted things they enjoyed online as well. I just think, well, maybe that’s what’s going on in their life. They don’t have the same life as other people do; they aren’t that fortunate. Maybe we are the only ones that they’ve got to interact with. Whether they have people in their life or not, maybe they just want someone to hear them, to listen to them, to be there for them. What they were doing online wasn’t impacting me all that much, so I kept them online. They’re not a bad person so I wouldn’t treat them like they are. I’ll rather people who post opposed to those who don’t. I find interesting people more appealing on Facebook than those who don’t post. If I deleted all the people who posted and kept all the people who don’t post, my feed would be rather boring. Everyone on Facebook is different, nobody should have to feel that they must be the same as others.


                I don’t have problems with people who rang, have a bit of a whinge or bitch about something. I prefer people to keep it real than people who pretend their life is good when it’s not. I’m not into people who pretend their life is perfect. I’m not into people who are ashamed of things that go wrong in their life and feel the need that they must hide it. I also don’t like people who make comments such as, ‘I don’t want to see your dirty laundry’ I don’t like someone’s problems or feelings being called ‘dirty laundry’. They have feelings and they are going through a difficult time, obviously, have some respect.

                I’m not into people who make ‘rules’ for others to follow. You’re not the boss of me or anyone else, don’t dictate rules we have to follow. The only rules we must follow online is the rules dictated by Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg. But there’s people sitting on their asses on their lounges thinking they control other people and dictate and say what other people should post and shouldn’t post. People can vote for whatever they want. If someone has a different point of view, deal with it. I’m not going to delete someone for having a different point of view. People can post and write whatever they like. Who made other people god, to judge? Stop being an internet tyrant. It’s usually the boring types that complain about what others are doing online. The cranky nit-picking boring people, who are just bitter, uptight and want something to whinge about. Some people just want something to complain about.

                My mum told me that she has a friend who unfriends people who posts on their feed. I don’t understand the logic behind that. She must go on Facebook and see nothing. Why she on Facebook at all?

                Sharon this girl I went to school with calls me her friend and even best friend, but I rarely hear from her. She never goes out of her way like normal friends do. She just doesn’t want to contact me. Sharon and other people in my life, I’ve gone out of my way to contact them and invite them out and if it wasn’t for me doing this I wouldn’t see or hear from them at all. Sharon usually only contacts me on her birthday or New Year’s Eve when she wants someone to be around on those occasions. Some friends act more like acquaintances. I don’t expect her to contact me all the time, I’m an introvert and I like my own time and my own space. However, I feel friends should reach out at least a few times a year, right? Most of the time she treats me like a stranger. Katie has Facebook but she never uses it and has no interest in it. Sharon does spend time on the net, I know her kids told me she’s on the internet all the time. She says she’s busy, but she just spends time chatting to random people online who she doesn’t know. She likes to talk to people who she says is famous who aren’t famous, like someone who had sex with Charlie Sheen once. So, she has time for those people. I feel like Sharon’s case its because she’s lazy, she’s lazy in every aspect of her life, so this would be no different. Keith wouldn’t stop Sharon from contacting me, in fact he contacts me more than Sharon does.

Sharon and I had a private group on Facebook that sometimes we would swap notes, a bit like a text message but cheaper. I don’t like Facebook chat, and she’s never said she was interested in using it. We would rarely use it, when I stopped associating with her boyfriend Keith who was toxic towards me, I stopped seeing and hearing from her. I knew that would happen, because Sharon gets her self-worth from her boyfriend.

One day she wrote me a message in the group about her daughter and I wrote back within the week. She told me she was depressed because her daughter said something to her and that her boyfriend agreed with her. They said something negative about her. I wrote back and gave her support, I’m not sure what was said. At the end of my reply, I let her know what was happening in my life. Going through a difficult time, depression and my relative who I was close to was rushed to hospital and I’ve been visiting him in hospital every day. Even though I had a lot going on, I still took time to reply to her message because I knew she was depressed and needed a friend. In groups you can see if someone has read it, and Facebook indicated she had. She never replied.

Five months later, after not hearing from her she wrote me a message (under the last message I sent her). She never responded to anything that I wrote, nor cared. She’s always polite, it’s always ‘How are you, what have you been doing?’ it doesn’t matter what I write back because it will be ignored and it will be about what’s going on in her life.

She wrote a message, so I thought this time I won’t reply to her straight away and just got on with my life. A few days later she wrote back to enquire why I haven’t replied to her message after three days. She goes six months without acknowledging my existence and ignores my messages but she gets upset with me if I don’t reply to her straight away.

So, I replied, said hello, supported her with her problems as always. I didn’t hear from her since. That was in September 2016, 8 months ago. So thought ‘fuck it’ and I deleted the group. Occasionally she will send me a Happy Birthday message, but sometimes I don’t even get that.

                I understand people are busy, but everyone does. I know people who are busy with their lives, but they still take time for the people they care about. They don’t go out of their way to ignore people on purpose.

                Autumn was a good friend to me, when it comes to contacting me and spending time with me. She out of all the others. We would text, communicate online and LIKE each other’s posts and we had similar hobbies online. We both liked making pages, and into films etc. We liked people who interacted with us. Autumn had issues in other areas though, which caused problems.

                Judy is online a lot, but she rarely posts and rarely posts about what’s going on in her life. She’s very mysterious. If something is wrong, she won’t tell anyone. She sort of goes in hiding when something is wrong. That’s how she handles problems. She LIKES and contacts me every blue moon, not all the time but every blue moon. I don’t mind that. We are both there for each other, not all the time but we are there.

                I have a lot of Facebook friends who I’ve had on my Facebook for years. When I first joined Facebook, I added all these people with the same name as me, LOL. I don’t know why, but they seemed like nice people. I also added people from history groups and music groups. I like people who talk about things like music and cool things, so I’m always up for new friends who are into things that I’m also interested in. It’s hard to meet people like that in real life. I just love those people on Facebook who have time for you, who are there for you, and are just cool.

There are good people out there, and sometimes you only get a handful on Facebook. But I respect those people, and I care about them. I’m there for them and they are there for me. Not all the time, but enough. I don’t need attention 24/7. I’m happy with someone caring a few times a year, that means more to me than nothing.


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