KILLED BY MY MOTHER My Dream Blog I had this dream that I walked into my mother’s house, and she had a room where all my brother’s belongings were in, and she had his photos all over the wall. I was lying on this bed inside this room, and she was stabbing me and cutting me. I was lying there, and she was killing me, and I was completely powerless to stop her. I kept screaming NO, but she was uncompassionate and kept doing it. I then was inside this house and there was a group of people who didn’t know me but they were trying to kill me, but I was able to get away with each attempt. I noticed that they also had harmed other people, and they wanted to do the same to me. None of their previous victims were able to escape, but I was able to escape. In my dreams, I can fly, and flew away and got away because I found all these exits. I kept finding myself back in the same location but each time I was able to escape and save myself and th...
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