My Dream Blog 

I had a dream last night that I was young in my 20s and there was a group of three guys and one girl (the same as myself). The guy with the dark hair liked me and even though we both liked each other, we were both shy. The girl, she was a friend and she was the glue that brought us all together. She had a male friend who was gay, and when we were out she introduced him to another guy who was also a guy, and the two young men were instantly attracted to one another.

     The five of us became instant friends and we enjoyed each other's company. We all accepted each other and no one nitpicked the other and we all accepted the way each other looked. 

    We went shopping in this large shopping center and looked around and just enjoyed spending time with each other. We were all genuinely happy and content. The dream was very dream-like, even though it was daytime it was darkish just like it is just before a storm. 

Afterward, when it was time to say goodbye, the two gay men swapped phone numbers with each other. We all took each other's number. And they accepted me and wanted me to join them next time we all caught up. 

    I was walking along this outdoor path and came across a river or shore, there was a lady and she had two dogs and a cat with her. The dogs were in the water and they were smiling and happy and having fun. The dogs looked up and saw us watching them smiled and ran out. The lady told me her dogs loved spending time in the water. The cat was sitting with her and I enjoyed watching the pets playing. I needed to get to the other side of the river where the land was. Even though it wasn't much of a distance between one side to the other, I wasn't able to easily step from one side to the other. So I flew across because I am always flying in my dreams. I looked around and the lady yelled out, 'How did you get to the other side?' and I said, 'I flew' and she said, 'What?" and I said, 'I flew' and she asked me how did I do that, and I said, I always fly. 

    When I got to the other side, I met up with a group of friends again. The two gay guys were dressed up in similar hospitality work clothes and they told us that they had got a job working together. They were now in a relationship. We started walking in this large building like a shopping centre but even bigger. When they were walking along, I was flying. I don't think they noticed I was flying. The girl we were with was good friends with the gay guy, as well as the guy that I liked (and who liked me back). We still liked each other but not yet in a relationship. We were still both incredibly shy and awkward. 

    We were having a good day out, and we were looking at everything around us the building we were in had large glass buildings where we could also look at the scenery outside.

The shopping center we were in all of a sudden turned into a hospital, and we were like, 'Where are we?" and there were all these beds along the walls on opposite sides of one another. In a large area, with a large space in between both sides. It was now nighttime and we were confused as to why we were there. I walked up to one of the windows, they were still the same large windows we had been looking out before, but this time I couldn't see anything outside only the reflection of the two hospital workers. I could see their reflection but I couldn't see my own. I said to them, 'I can't see my reflection in the window' and one of the workers said, 'That's because it's nighttime'. I said to them, 'But I can see your reflection' and I was standing in between them. 

    My group of friends were standing in the room oblivious and I as I was walking towards them I heard one of the men in the hospital beds scream out my name over and over again. I wasn't sure how he could know my name. I walked up to the group and said to them, 'That man is looking at me and yelling out my name over and over again.' One of the gay men said to me, 'Let's go over and have a look'. We walked over to the bed and he continued to call out my name, and I said how do you know my name, and he said my name again. I corrected him, as he was saying my name wrong, and when I told him my real name he became violently agitated. He was strapped down to the bed, he had a puffy face and he was looking at me. He started trying to break free from the straps that were holding him down and I knew there was something wrong and we needed to get out of there. He suddenly turned into a beastly-looking man with large sharp teeth, something that doesn't exist in this world. I said to the guy I like, 'We need to get out of here', he agreed and grabbed my hand and we ran to where the elevators were. The group of friends were standing there shocked and didn't move. when we got to the elevators a hospital worker was in there and didn't step out. He was oblivious to what was happening outside the elevator. We ran in there and the hospital worker pressed the button for us to leave. We could hear our friends and other people running to the elevators, and then we heard this big crunching sound like a beast breaking bones in somebody's body with their teeth. We don't know who the victim was as the doors closed in that very moment. We heard screaming when the doors closed and even though the elevator was moving and we were away from the scene we were both extremely afraid of what had happened. We were worried about our friends and the workers in the hospital. 




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