My Dream Blog
Last night I
had a dream that I was with a group of people, all of them good. We ended up in
this building where there were other people who were part of this group. They
invited us in, but weren’t so warm towards us.
Whilst we were there, we saw this bigger built woman leaning over the
top of this young woman. The older woman had her hand over the younger girl’s
nose and something in her hand which was poison or something. This woman was covering
her nose and mouth, and the girl died. When the older woman stopped leaning
over her she moved out of the way and we all noticed that the young woman had
fluid coming out of her nose.
Whilst everyone was watching on, most didn’t believe that what was
taking place was real. Surely it was fake. And many commented, “I don’t believe
it is real?” therefore nobody attempted to stop it.
I and a few of my group were worried about this young woman who was
being murdered before our eyes, and we were screaming out for someone to stop
the murderer. We were outnumbered by those who didn’t believe it was real. Initially
after it happened, I was fearful for my own life as well as those whom I was
with. I told the group I was with that we need to get out of the building and
away from them. We grabbed our belongings, but it was too late.
The woman who killed the young woman was no longer human and turned
into a demon with white eyes. We were in this building with a view of the
ocean, and we noticed this woman (as a demon) flying towards us with a
companion. One of them was a shadowy figure with white eyes and the other
looked like a white skeleton of a bird also with white eyes, all you could see
was its white frame with no insides. The two flew towards us.
We had nowhere to turn, and we had to save ourselves. My group already
had positive traits and strengths, and this what their power was. I went to
each one and empathised their strengths and positive traits, that way the demon
couldn’t weaken them to make them powerless. I would go around to each of them
and empathise their strengths and gave them extra strengths. One older man, who
had morals, wisdom and common sense, already had these traits, but I emphasised
them so the demon couldn’t break them. There was another man who larger sized
man, very strong physically, a good person, who had a good sense of humour. I
empathised his strengths and these traits and made him the trait of helping
others, so he could use his strength to protect the others. As well as with the
women, they didn’t need brawn to protect themselves, they also had positive
traits and strengths that would protect them.
I then approached those who were on friendly terms with the demon, the
group who lived in the building. I emphasised whatever good positive traits
they had and gave them new ones. This way the demon will no longer have power
or control over them. Secondly, I approached the demon’s ally, the one that
looked a lot like them with the white eyes. I was able to turn them back to
being good and gave them traits so they could return to who they were
The demon approached me, and I knew I could not help the demon as the
demon could not be changed as that is who they were. The demon stood in front
of me, and even though I felt the hatred and force of energy coming from them,
they like me could not be changed. We were both indestructible and we could not
harm or change one another. Even though we were opposites, we could not disturb
one another.
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