
Showing posts from March, 2024


Diary - Youth  YOUNG EINSTEIN (1998)  Dad likes Yahoo Serious hairstyle and wants one the same.  Donna liked the scene when the little hut blew up and says its like when Warren goes to the toilet.  Samuel cracked up laughing the whole movie theatre shook.  Warren said it was ok, said if it had more swear words in it it would've been better. Chrissy laughed out a lot to. Chrissy and Autumn was trying to see who could laugh louder of course Autumn won.  Autumn went outside half way through the movie so she could buy some maltessers because she doesn't like popcorn because she said it tastes like dish washing detergent. She said Crocodile Dundee was a better flick.  I thought it was sad when the man was cooking the kittens in the pie.  #youngeinstein #youngeinstein1998 #yahooserious 


Diary - Youth  MUSIC  Dads a real head banger, he likes Divinyls, The Bangles and he says Kylie Minogue is a great Australian. he likes classical music when we having dinner. Mozarts a favourite.  Donna likes the golden oldies she likes Cheap Trick and bopping songs like Elvis Presley and Billy Idol, she thinks he's a top bloke.  Samuel likes Tracey Chapman and all that stuff he likes Jimmy Barnes I think.  Warren is a big head, he said if its not on cd then its rubbish. he likes Abba, INS, Robert palmer, Stevie nicks and Fleetwood mac.  Chrissy loves Patrick Swayze and his song 'She's like the wind' and listens to it every night. She old fashioned and never heard of New Kids on the Block.  Autumn says the party across from the road at Dads house is just like being in Mount Druitt. She likes Rick Astley and takes his cassette with her everywhere. She thinks Michael Jackson is a spunk and wants to marry him. She sings his song all the time.  I like...


Diary - Youth  THE HITCHER (1986)  Tascot  This is about a hitchhiker who gets picked up by a young guy and starts telling the guy about all the murder he's done and he is going to do the same to him.  Dad he was scaring us girl by saying "THE HITCHERS GOING TO GET YOU" Chrissy was very sick after seeing the bit when the dog was eating the dead mans neck. She said it was very sickening. Every time she watched a horror movie she stays up half the night.  I didn't like the scary music and hates the suspense of whats going to happen net.  Warren felt heartbroken when the good looking sheila got wriped in half, he thought she was a bit of a good looker.  Samuel got turned off hot chips, after seeing the scene when Howell finds a finger of a human in his hot chips and ketchup.  Donna thought it was stupid and corny, she thought the movie was unrealistic and said the Hitcher should have died at the beginning, when Howell pushed him out of the car. She t...


Diary- Youth  THE BEACH  Chrissy likes the beach, she likes all the guys with big muscles. She likes the water running in between her toes.  I like the waves but not when they brake on me and I get dunked under water.  Autumn doesn't like to get her sore toe in the water. She doesn't like the blue bottles. Once she got stung by a bluebottle and she said she had to pour a melted icecream on her foot.  Donna likes sunbaking she bakes until shes red roar. She likes doing aerobics on the beach with us three girls. She brings her portable radio to listen to when she's lying there.  Dad doesn't like the sun so he sunbakes in the car.  Warren can be ruff sometimes, he hurts us girls, he gives us indian burns.  Samuels doing a handstand under the water again. He will stay under the water for hours and hours He goes underwater and pretends to be jaws. He swims under the water towards us girls and grabs our legs and tries to get us. Samuels a water baby he ...


Diary - Youth  CREATURE FEATURES  Kingswood  One night me and Chrissy wanted to stay up and watch a TV show called CREATURE FEATURES which was on at midnight every Friday night. By the time it came on we were really tired and at the beginning of the show there is a hand coming out off the coffin. Autumn freaked out and started screaming. Me and Chrissy laughed. Later Autumn was asleep about ten minutes into the show, Dad came into our bedroom and turned the TV down and told us "ARE USE DEAF OR SOMETHING?"  When he left, Chrissy blocked Autumn's nose when she was fast asleep, she woke up snorting and shouting and we asked her whats the matter was. She said she had a nightmare that a dead person was about to kill her. Chrissy and I just laughed.  #kingswood #creaturefeatures #creaturefeaturestvshow 


Diary - Youth  THE JOG  Werrington  One day us three girls were in the park bored. It was a hot day and our bums burnt on the slippery dip because it was so hot. We then noticed a man talking on the phone in the phone booth. He was ringing someone up and looked really nasty looking and had white clothing on and a knife in his back pocket. We knew he was a murderer because he had red marks on his clothes. We thought after he makes a phone call he will come over and kill us.  To save our lives we ran around the block to avoid him. Autumn was puffed out, Chrissy had blisters and I had a stitch. We were running for our lives and we got back to Dad and Donna's house. When we got inside the door we were bright red. We've never run so much in our lives which isn't much anyway.  We asked Donna if we could have a drink of cordial and she said sure what have you been doing? We thought we'll get into trouble for running away from a murderer so Chrissy told Donna we went fo...


  THE UPS AND DOWNS OF THE HANDYMAN (1976) Autumn liked the first scene. She liked pausing the pause button the video remote control. She thought it was rude but she liked the handyman how he paints walls and puts the hay into the horse stables. She thought the women got a bit carried away with excitement. Chrissy has never seen Autumn so shocked. We all went blind after watching this. #theupsanddownsofthehandyman #johnsealey #barrystokes


 Youth - THE CITY One day Dad decided to take us kids out to the city for a family outing. We all got prepared and put on our best clothes, such as our tracksuit pants. We got to the train station and there was this lady with chewing gum on the bottom of her shoe and when she was walking the chewing gum was going with her. It was Chrissy's chewing gum, she left it on the ground and us girls started laughing. We were looking forward to our day in the city We got on the train and Autumn said 'Look at all the ... on the train', the old lady heard her and looked at her funny. Autumn started looking at her reflection in the train window and put her hand out of the window because she liked the cool breeze. Donna was panicking because she thought Autumn's hand was going to get chopped off. We got off the train in the city there were a lot of people around. Donna and the rest of us followed Donna when she went into David Jones and started to look at all the mar...