Diary- Youth
Chrissy likes the beach, she likes all the guys with big muscles. She likes the water running in between her toes.
I like the waves but not when they brake on me and I get dunked under water.
Autumn doesn't like to get her sore toe in the water. She doesn't like the blue bottles. Once she got stung by a bluebottle and she said she had to pour a melted icecream on her foot.
Donna likes sunbaking she bakes until shes red roar. She likes doing aerobics on the beach with us three girls. She brings her portable radio to listen to when she's lying there.
Dad doesn't like the sun so he sunbakes in the car.
Warren can be ruff sometimes, he hurts us girls, he gives us indian burns.
Samuels doing a handstand under the water again. He will stay under the water for hours and hours He goes underwater and pretends to be jaws. He swims under the water towards us girls and grabs our legs and tries to get us. Samuels a water baby he loves the water.
Autumn likes the guy with pink zinc on his nose and screamed out to him, "HEY YOU WITH THE PINK FUCKING NOSE"
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