Youth - THE CITY
One day Dad decided to take us kids out to the city for a family outing. We all got prepared and put on our best clothes, such as our tracksuit pants.
We got to the train station and there was this lady with chewing gum on the bottom of her shoe and when she was walking the chewing gum was going with her. It was Chrissy's chewing gum, she left it on the ground and us girls started laughing.
We were looking forward to our day in the city We got on the train and Autumn said 'Look at all the ... on the train', the old lady heard her and looked at her funny. Autumn started looking at her reflection in the train window and put her hand out of the window because she liked the cool breeze. Donna was panicking because she thought Autumn's hand was going to get chopped off.
We got off the train in the city there were a lot of people around. Donna and the rest of us followed Donna when she went into David Jones and started to look at all the marmalade. Donna likes to look at the food in the city. Autumn was getting hungry and told her mother. Dad and Donna decided to get McDonalds we were very happy about that. Dad got angry at the sales assistant because she kept getting him the wrong food. We all sat in the park and ate lunch there. Autumn fed a couple of her chips and then told the birds off and to go away and called them scabs.
After lunch, we went into the fruit shop and there was a midget lady in there Autumn said she had never seen one before and said something and dad got annoyed and told her not to say that.
We went onto the ferry and Donna was screaming out, 'Help, help help' us girls just started laughing.
The boys took off in the city somewhere and we spent the rest of the day looking for them. Chrissy walked into a telegraph pole because she wasn't watching where she was going. Us girls just laughed. We finally found the two boys. Dad wasn't in a very good mood. Chrissy was walking behind Warren and walked on Warren's thongs. Warren got angry with her.
At the end of the day, we were all tired and angry and tired.
Dad said to us kids, 'I'll never take you kids to the city again'
#thecity #mcdonalds #sydneyaustralia #dav
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