DONNA (my stepmother)

DONNA (my stepmother) profile

My Diary (Youth)

Pets: used to have a cat Potsie

Favourite song: Don't he make you feel good

Favourite album: Lesley Gore

Favourite Film: It's a mad mad world

Favourite TV show: The Flying Doctors

Favourite Actor: Cary Grant

Lusts over: Glen Ford

Favourite magazine: Women's Weekly

Favourite cartoon character: Daffy Duck

Favourite drink: Berban

Favourite Aussie: Dame Edna

Favourite smell: perfume

Dislikes: perms, aeroplanes, western suburbs, factories, whitney houston and The Cure


Friendly and funny

Doesn't have a bad temper

Answers the phone by saying '2WS is my station'

She likes cooking different recipes

She likes doing the table really fancy

She has her hair streaked

Wayne got on a paddling boat, and Warren was with Donna and Donna said Warren was too ruff and she started to panic and got off and swapped with Samuel

When she sees a good looking man she lights up a cigarette

She likes James Dean

She gets us kids to get her cigarettes for her from the shop

They give us toothbrushes and toothholders

They give us Darrel Lea xmas puddings every year for christmas and we don't eat them and we throw them out 


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