CHRISSY (sister)


CHRISSY (sister)

Chrissy (sister)

My diary (youth)

Colour hair: brunette

Colour eyes: hazel

Favourite TV show: Prisoner

Favourite actress: Farah Fawcett

Favourite food: pizza

Favourite drink: lemonade

Favourite vegetable: mashed potato

Favourite animals: budgies

Favourite smell: flowers and impulse

Bad habit: biting nails

Favourite subject: English

Dislikes, Rocky, spiders and Melbourne


She spilt red cordinal on floor and dad got angry

she likes mens muscles

everyone says she should would be a good actress cause convincing

Berry nickname

She says 'ptang yang kipperbang' and then puts her middle finger up at people

She put chewing gum on train station floor and a lady stepped in it

She likes dad's net door neighbour Doug and also on Frank

she likes Brains from Thunderbirds, she watches it every morning


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