
  CENTRAL STATION I dislike Central Station in Sydney. It’s always dark and gloomy and there's a grey cloud above it. I just feel completely lost and confused. I prefer Town Hall. Matthew used to work at Central Station at the bar that used to be there, Hungry Jacks replaced it. Once I went to Central to meet Matthew after work so we could just hang out in Sydney and have a few drinks; but as we were sitting at Central this feral guy smashed the glass of this food bistro and we were witnesses to what happened so we had to go to the police station and answer all these questions. They took our names and phone numbers but the police never got back to me so I didn’t have to go to court. That kind of ruined our plans for the night. I can’t stand feral trouble makers but they seem so prominent in my life regardless of what I do. I also don’t like the public toilets at Central train station but I dislike a lot of public toilets. I’ve seen a lot better though. The toilets at Central


  CALLING ME A BITCH [2012] I’m okay with abject honesty but if someone is going to call me a ‘bitch’ I would rather them give a truthful reason why I’m a bitch and if it’s justified then I’ll be cool with that. It’s just that they call me a ‘bitch’ with no justified reason. They call me that because they were revolting towards me and called me a bitch for refusing to be disrespected. These toxic individuals are users, manipulative, liars and have treated me unreasonably. Just because I didn’t go along with their games and manipulation, it certainly doesn’t make me a bitch. I just won’t tolerate their trashy BS when it is thrown my way. If these individuals are going out of their way to lie about me to others they are only lying about themselves. I’m going to continue being honest and standing up for myself. I am so over being surrounded by trashy troublemakers, I am unable to relate to them. I don’t understand why they think they can disrespect me and assume that I’m going to go


 ACCEPTANCE  My Dream Blog  I had a dream last night that I was young in my 20s and there was a group of three guys and one girl (the same as myself). The guy with the dark hair liked me and even though we both liked each other, we were both shy. The girl, she was a friend and she was the glue that brought us all together. She had a male friend who was gay, and when we were out she introduced him to another guy who was also a guy, and the two young men were instantly attracted to one another.       The five of us became instant friends and we enjoyed each other's company. We all accepted each other and no one nitpicked the other and we all accepted the way each other looked.      We went shopping in this large shopping center and looked around and just enjoyed spending time with each other. We were all genuinely happy and content. The dream was very dream-like, even though it was daytime it was darkish just like it is just before a storm.  Afterward, when it was time to say goodbye


  BOB MARLEY My Music Blog When I became homeless I stayed at Katie’s family home for a few weeks. One night we were chilling out and listening to my music and Bob Marley came on and we were both curious about how Bob Marley died. Katie thought he may have died from a drug overdose because a lot of rock music artists died from drugs back in the day. Katie went onto Google to find out how he died. She said that he died because he got skin cancer under one of his toenails. It’s scary to think that someone could get skin cancer under their toenail. It is also sad that Bob Marley could have lived if he had surgery to have his toe removed but due to his religious beliefs, he refused the surgery. The cancer spread to the rest of his body which killed him in 1981. He was only 36-years-old. It just goes to show how much control religion has over people.


  FACEBOOK CULL                 I have decided to do a cull on my Facebook. I would rather have a small group of people on my Facebook than have a large number of people who are questionable. When I say cull, I mean cull on Facebook as well as real life. My safety and emotional health needs to be a priority. I only want genuine people in my life who are decent and good people. I am on the internet at least once a day for an hour or so and I use the internet to do things that I enjoy, photos of friends, family, cats, history stuff, and music. just want to use Facebook and feel comfortable using it without feeling concerned.                 I don’t cull people that often, but at the moment after everything that has happened, I feel it’s the best thing to do. I’ve had people online who have been nicer to me than some of the friends and family I’ve had in life. I treat everyone with respect and kindness, but that doesn’t give them a free pass to mistreat me. In truth, there are a lot


  ALCOHOL                 Australian drinking age is 18; however, I didn’t start drinking when I turned 18 because I was a goody goody and was afraid of alcohol. On my 18th I had three people over to celebrate with me, it wasn’t a party or anything like that it was a low-key event. Someone brought a bottle of wine and they were drinking it but I was wary of it so I didn’t. I didn’t get my ID straight away, I waited. I didn’t get ID until I was roughly around 20 years old, mainly because I wanted to go out and see bands live, which we did. Sharon would drink beer and so I drank a beer as well but I didn’t drink all of it because I didn’t like the taste. My brother and my dad drank Jack Daniels and that’s the alcohol drink that I liked so I just stuck with that one. So when we went to see a band or attended a party or nightclub I would stick with that one.                 I have had wine and have tried other alcoholic beverages as well, but they get me drunk, and at least with JD, it


  BLOW UP THE POKIES In America pokies are called slot machines, in Australia, they are called poker machines “pokies”. I’ve never been a fan of gambling and one of my least favourite things is pokies. I hate hanging around clubs that have a lot of pokies. I hate casinos and I never wanted to go to Las Vegas.                When I go out, I like to go out to socialize, chat, catch up, have a laugh, sit in comfortable seats, in comfortable warm temperatures, listen to music, drink, and preferably have a nice view. That’s what socialising is to me.                I don’t recall when I started disliking pokies; I don’t think my hatred of pokies stems from Sharon and Keith, who play them all the time. I think I started disliking them when I started going out to nightclubs when I was around 20 years old. When I go out the last thing I want to do is play pokies or hang around pokies. If I ever did play pokies it would be for about 1 or 2 minutes and I would lose interest and then walk