The incidents taking place in Autumn Part 1 and Part 2 (this one) were taking place at a similar time frame but I have decided to turn them into two separate blogs to shorten them.

               Autumn was a friends whom I knew from childhood due to her mother marrying my father.. Autumn had a brother named Samuel, father named Karl and my Dad’s wife name Donna (Autumn’s mother) – Autumn, Samuel, Karl and Donna were not blood related to me.

                As children us five kids would go visit Dad and Donna each fortnight (not every fortnight) and this was when I would have been the only time I spent in the company of Samuel. Even though I hanged out with Autumn as an adult I had little to do with her brother. If I associated with Samuel at all it would usually have been only because Autumn wanted me to go with her to some family thing or a birthday, even if we did turn up to something that he was at, I had little interaction with him and we [Autumn and I] usually did our own thing. If I was in the same room with Samuel it would usually be at the same time when many other people were in the room with him as well, I was never alone with him. I never went out of my way to hang out with him and I never had any conversations with him one on one.

                I liked Samuel and I always thought he was a nice and decent guy and he was a bit more classier and better mannered than other people I’ve come across. Autumn and Samuel were brought up in a rough neighbourhood, Autumn and Samuel never smoked, drank alcohol, did drugs, and avoided feral behaviour. Samuel and Autumn worked, however Samuel was able to have stable employment working in the same job for years but Autumn was a lot like me when there were times when we were out of work and looking for work.

Autumn lived with her father Karl and her brother Samuel and she was close to both of them. What I did like about Samuel is that he had good taste in music and we had that in common. He definitely had good taste in music. When it came to relationships I had a few boyfriends over the years and male friends but nothing too serious. Autumn’s love life was all over the shop and Samuel had a couple of girlfriends when he was younger. I thought the reason why Samuel was single for such a long time was for the same reason why I had been single for a long duration of time – because he just hadn’t met the right person to be in a relationship with. Samuel also didn’t go out that much, he never went partying or go out drinking. I just thought he just never had the opportunity to meet somebody.

               Usually over the years I would see Samuel occasionally when he dropped off Autumn at our house or picked her up (Autumn didn’t drive). Sometimes I would see him at a birthday or a family thing. Samuel wasn’t a social butterfly so I didn’t bump into him that often and he was usually working, at home or at his friends place. I felt Samuel was a bit OCD, he was always extremely clean and tidy and even put all his music and films in alphabetical order. He cared about presentation. Samuel definitely had a classy side to him and was well spoken. Samuel was Donna’s pride and joy and she adored him. If I did see Samuel it was usually when we went to see our parents, my dad and Donna but we couldn’t visit them that often because they lived so far away. Once a year (not every year) we would go up to visit them and we would usually do it when we were all together or sometimes it would be just Autumn and I who would go up there by ourselves. If Dad and Donna came down for a birthday celebration or anything else, I would always go see them and sometimes Samuel would be there as well. Dad and Donna would always get me to attend whatever they were attending so we could all catch up at the same time.

Usually when I saw Autumn it never involved Samuel, us girls would go shopping, have lunch, or be at a bar with friends.

                One day Autumn and I were walking around Westfield where Autumn lived and Autumn had  something weighing on her mind.  Autumn did most of the cleaning inside her family home that she shared with her dad and Samuel and she told me that she was in her brother’s bedroom and she looked under his bed and found all these computer discs and she went to look at them. She told me that they had images of all “young girls” on them – but she kept saying “young girls” but never told me that they were children or babies. When she first told me this I didn’t instantly think about children or babies at all, I just assumed it was porn with young looking women in it. I said to Autumn that maybe the girls were adults but just looked young for their age and she said, “No, these weren’t women, these are girls, young girls”, when she initially told me this it didn’t even occur to me what she was talking about but when she started telling me that these women were young and I started putting two and two together. I started asking her questions but then she ended the conversation and said, “Forget it” and when I asked her again she said, “Let’s drop it” and she didn’t want to talk about it any further.

I started to get suspicious but even at this time I would never have suspected that Samuel would be into children or involved in anything like that. Even after what Autumn told me that day I didn’t switch on completely to what she was trying to tell me. I could tell that Autumn was concerned about it, it was like she wanted to tell me but she didn’t want to tell me.

                It was roughly around a year or two years after this we (Claire and I) went to Autumns’ house. I had a friend named Claire who I became friends with in high school who also got along with Autumn. None of my friends got along with Autumn but Claire did and the three of us would often hang out together. Claire didn’t like drinking or anything like that and I always viewed her as my sensible friend because she was a bit clueier and had better morals than some of the other people I’ve known over the years. The three of us would sometimes hang out, have lunch, go to dinner, go to the movies, go shopping, or go out to a bar and socialise. Even though we were all incredibly different from one another, we got along well.

                Claire and I decided to go over to Autumn’s house to pay her a visit. Samuel wasn’t home  but Autumn’s father was. Their father had bought them a computer but the problem was they had to share it. Over the years they had a few different computers that they shared and they both later owned their own computer (individualy). However at this time they were sharing the same computer. I rarely write dates in my diary so I’m going to guess and say it was roughly around the year 2000 – 2005 when this incident took place. Over the years the computer they shared would be in different rooms, but it was usually in Autumn’s room and it was later moved into their father’s room. At this time it was in Autumn’s bedroom. Samuel would use the computer when Autumn wasn’t in her room and he wouldn’t let her in the room when he was using it. Autumn always assumed that he was just jerking off to porn, she would always complain that when she returned to her bedroom she would go back into the bedroom and would find tissues lying around and she would have to clean up after him which she didn’t like doing.

                Claire, Autumn and I were chilling out in Autumn’s room and just chatting like we normally would do. Autumn was playing music on the computer and I said to Autumn, “What other music do you have?” and I sat down in front of the computer and I found a file called SAMUEL’S MUSIC and I thought because Samuel and I both had the same music taste that we could listen to it. When I clicked on it and opened it there was no music in the folder, instead there were photos and one of the first photos I opened was a close up, so close up I couldn’t recognize what it was at first. Claire and I were both looking at it. I clicked on another photo and it was a normal size photo of the previous photo and it was a close up of a baby girl’s private parts. I was shocked and I said, “What is this?” and Autumn who was standing behind us said quickly, “You weren’t supposed to see that” and she told me to close it. I closed that picture and then noticed that there were a bunch of other photos of naked children, mostly babies and some young children; all of them were female, no males and all the girls were all naked. I felt sick when I saw these images and started to question Autumn and she said, “They aren’t mine they are Samuels”. Autumn was attempting to reassure us and made out that it wasn’t a big deal (even though it was). She said to us, “He just looks at the pictures, he would never do anything to a child” and I said, “If he’s looking at the pictures he’s thinking about doing things to them”. Claire was initially taken back by it at first and she was shocked as well but said very little. Out of all the people I’ve known over the years Autumn was the person who proclaimed she loved babies and children the most. Claire also liked children and wanted her own one day with her boyfriend Gary. What I found most unusual is even though I was the “child hater” (which Autumn called me) in the group I was the only one who cared about the children the most  - even Claire didn’t care too much about it even though she had witnessed the same photos that I did. They both confess to loving children and caring about them but they didn’t give a shit about what Samuel was doing. I knew Autumn and Samuel’s father wasn’t involved in the children pictures because he was old and knew nothing about computers, he didn’t know how to turn on a computer. When Autumn told me it was Samuel’s I believed her and the evidence was right there under his name.

                It wasn’t long after we saw the pictures that Claire said she wanted to go home and she was also giving me a lift home, we lived in the same area. I thought when we were both away from Autumn that Claire would bring it up straight away and we could discuss the issue and do something about it (like go to the police) but Claire didn’t bring up the subject at all and she didn’t seem to be concerned. I didn’t want to discuss it with Claire in front of Autumn because it was obvious that Autumn had already known about it and was protective over her brother’s behaviour. Claire didn’t care to bring up the subject in conversation and so I decided that I would have to broach the subject. So I brought up the subject and her only response was, “That was pretty bad hey?” and I said we could always go to the police to tell them about it, but Claire didn’t want to. She changed the subject and started talking about her boyfriend Gary and she talked about him non-stop. Claire at this time was obsessed with Gary and her mind was always on him and she couldn’t concentrate on anything else (she was obsessed with Gary). When Claire dropped me home I decided to ring up my mother because I thought I needed to talk to someone who would give a fuck. So I rang up my mother who was at work and told her about it and my mum told me she felt sick just hearing about it and said that Samuel was a weirdo. Even my mother didn’t tell me to go the police; no one told me to go to the police, or cared that much about it.

                I wanted to contact the police but I was scared so I decided to contact the police anonymously. I don’t like dobbing people in and that’s not my style. I prefer to stay away from any trouble but I thought I should do something about it or at least the authorities know what I knew so they can do whatever they wanted with this information. I thought Samuel was exploiting children and enabling the abuse of children and that he was a risk to children. The problem was when I went to write to the police anonymously on their website is that there is a word limit, I hate word limits, and I had to write what I’ve written above down including information including names, addresses and that sort of thing so when I was writing it all down onto their website to send it to them I had to write Samuel’s name at the top with a number next to it, for example Samuel 1 and then the second one I would write Samuel 2 (I also included his last name of course). I don’t know how many box’s I had to fill in just to write about this matter to them but there was a few. I gave them all the details like his full name and address and all of that and when I sent it I thought the authorities would deal with the matter. This was the first time I contacted the police over it. I was freaking out after I sent it because I was just waiting for an abusive message or phone call from Autumn. I knew it wouldn’t be long until the police were contacting them or knocking on their door so I was feeling anxious. I knew that Autumn would know it was me because even though all of us saw it at the same time, I was the only person in the room that day that seemed to care. Autumn also knew that I was the type of person to stand up for other people, whilst other people we knew would usually turn a blind eye to a lot of shit. I was worried about what Samuel or Autumn would do to me if something did happen I had a bit of anxiety taking place. I thought if something did happen it would happen that same day, the next day or at least that week. I was waiting, waiting, waiting but I never heard anything from Autumn and she was just acting like her normal self when I saw her online. I couldn’t openly ask Autumn if the police had been there but I thought if they had been she would at least tell me, Claire, Sharon or Keith (Autumn would have told Claire and Claire would have told Gary and Gary would have told Keith who would have told Sharon) or my Dad would have found out. Nothing happened in the next two days and so I contacted Autumn and without telling her that I contacted the police about her brother, I asked her, “Does your brother still have those photos on his computer?” but she told me, “it’s gone” and I said, “What do you mean it’s gone?” and she said, “Just drop it alright”. I don’t know if Autumn had told Samuel about us finding the photos or she got rid of the photos herself or whether the police were there and took them, but she didn’t mention the police, something wasn’t adding up.

                I didn’t tell anybody that I had contacted the police but I decided to confide in Sharon who had two daughters and I knew she would care and I was right she was the only one out of everyone who actually did care. She told me that I should let the police know and I said I already had but nothing happened and I told her that Autumn had told me that the pictures are now gone. It was after this that my friendship with Claire and Autumn started dissolving.

                One night we all went out for Autumn’s birthday at a Chinese restaurant and Samuel was there with Autumn’s family and some of our friends. This was after I had told Sharon about it and Sharon and I didn’t feel comfortable about being in the same room as him. Sharon had Keith with her and she told Keith quietly that Samuel was the one who was into little girls and Keith nodded his head and continued to eat. Autumn and Samuel’s father was there but as far as I knew at this time, Autumn’s father wasn’t aware about any of this at the time (that I knew of).

                Usually when I spoke to or saw Autumn after this I would try to bring up the subject and tried to convince her to the police with me but she didn’t want a bar of it. On the odd occasion she would mention something about it without me asking her any questions. However she didn’t like talking about it and got pissed off with me every time I brought up the subject. Whenever I broached the subject she would just say, “Just drop it all right” and “stop interfering with our business”. Autumn told me not to tell anyone about it but this was after I told my mother, wrote to the police about it and after I told Sharon about it. Autumn cared more about her brother than she cared about the children that her brother was exploiting. She told me that he would never touch a child and just looks at the pictures and I don’t know how ignorant Autumn is but I said to her, “Those children in the pictures are being abused in real life and people who look at the pictures are enabling the abuse” but she just waved her hand at me and told me that I need to stop talking about it. I still communicated with Autumn after this but our friendship was going downhill for a variety of different reasons. I asked her about her brother and she said, “He would never touch a child?” and I said, “How would you know?” I said to her if he did touch a child he wasn’t going to do it in front of you.

There were times when I do believe Autumn didn’t like what her brother was doing because sometimes she would bring up the subject herself and would say something about it and I do believe deep down she was worried about what he was doing. I’m not sure if she was worried about him or the children, but she was concerned. I believed because of these times when I thought she did actually care I could use these times in an attempt to pursued her to do the right thing and go to the police but whenever I made the suggestion or even hinted at it she would say, “forget it”. I do believe there was a part of her that did want to do the right thing though because there was a good side to her.

Even though I try to focus on the positive sides to people I started to question and doubt Autumn a lot during this time, she just wasn’t the person who I thought she was. Autumn continued to share the computer with Samuel but the computer was then moved into their father’s room. Their father spent majority of his time in the lounge room watching TV so Autumn and Samuel could use it in privacy whenever they wanted. Autumn would occasionally tell me different things and told me that Samuel uses all these different credit cards (she told me had hundreds of them) that he would use online to access porn. When she mentioned it she would always call it, “porn”. She told me that he would take different credit cards into the room and shut the door so he would look at “porn” and she would tell me this laughing.  I told her it wasn’t a laughing matter and she told me to “shut up” and “lighten up”.

One night (roughly around 2006 or 2007) we were on MSN Messenger and Dad was online talking to us and they were talking about drugs and corruption in the NRL. Autumn said how much she hated it and how disgusting she thought it was and how all the NRL players on drugs etc. should be in prison. By this time I was pissed off with her about the whole Samuel thing and I said to her, “You are against football corruption but you are okay with people who get off at looking at naked children?” I just thought she sounded like a bigot, she wasn’t okay with people drinking or doing drugs but she was okay with her brother looking at naked photos of children. When I wrote that my Dad wrote, “Who looks at child porn?” when he wrote that Autumn opened a new separate chat box and told me to shut up about it. I just ignored her. I couldn’t relate to her train of thought.

It was roughly around this time when Samuel and Autumn had their own computers in their own rooms and they both had web cam’s attached to their computers.  Whenever I brought up the subject of Samuel or asked her about it, Autumn would just snap back at me and would say, “Leave it” (meaning: leave it alone) and she told me to mind my own business. I told her that child exploitation was everyone’s business.

                One day Autumn told me that Samuel was into children’s teddy bears and he was collecting them. She told me they were pastel teddy bears that he had in his bedroom. She was laughing when she told me this and I couldn’t believe how ignorant she was. I don’t know whether Autumn was just being naïve and maybe she didn’t put two and two together but surely she should have been suspicious. She would go around telling everyone how he was into teddy bears and she thought it was hilarious. She couldn’t see the more sinister side behind it or just didn’t want to. She told me he would often bring new teddy bears home and it was turning into a collection. It was weird and Autumn would always make a joke about it.

                Samuel started going on all these holidays overseas by himself and would always go to the same type of places – Asian locations such as Thailand or Bali and places like that. Donna questioned Autumn once and asked her, “Why does he always go to those types of places and why doesn’t he go somewhere different?”

                Autumn had a friend called Julie; Julie was a girl she used to babysit who was now an adult. Julie started having children at a young age, when she was aged 14 and Autumn was the godmother to Julie’s son. Autumn loved this kid and treated him like it was her child. The problem was that once Autumn told me that she had him at her house the day before and I said to her, “You shouldn’t have any children in your home” and she asked, “Why not?” and I said, “You know why” and she said, “He won’t do anything and I’m always with him (Julie’s child)”. I said to her, “You shouldn’t bring any children there regardless because you don’t know what Samuel could do when your back is turned. What if you go to the toilet or have a shower or something?” Autumn told me that she is always with Julie’s child and that Samuel would never harm a child. She told me to stop being a busybody. Even though I felt that Samuel was only interested in female children (due to the pictures on the computer that we saw that day) I still didn’t believe any child would be safe inside that house. I don’t know if Autumn had him at their house again after that, if she did she didn’t mention it to me. She was always telling me to “butt out of it”.

                Samuel got a new girlfriend, his new girlfriend had numerous children with various men over the years and she only had two of her youngest children with her at the time. I don’t know how old they are as I don’t know much about children and I’m not good with guessing ages. If I had to take a guess I would say about 5-years-old or 6, the son was a little older than the daughter. I never got to know Samuel’s girlfriend and didn’t get the chance to know her. I only had seen her a few times at different occasions with her two children. Autumn hated Samuel’s girlfriend and was sick with worry that this woman and her kids were going to move in with them. Autumn was always bitching about her and she hated her two young children and called her children “spastics”. Autumn believed that Samuel’s girlfriend was just with him because of his money and she was just using him. I later found out that Samuel’s girlfriend became homeless (I don’t know why) and she and her two children were staying with Samuel inside his bedroom. I only learned this after she had left when Autumn told me, “they have pissed off now” (as in “gone away”). Autumn and her father didn’t want them living there but Autumn told me that they had stayed there for a couple of weeks and Autumn and her father believed it was over crowded so she told Samuel to get them “out”.

                One night I was online with Autumn on MSN Messenger and she told me that some drama happened earlier and this is why she got online later than usual. Autumn’s cat had died previously and her brother Samuel had made her a grave with a cross in their backyard where they buried her cat. Autumn told me that someone had vandalised her cat’s grave and she was upset about it. She also told me that whoever did it left a letter inside their letter box. Samuel was at work when they (Autumn and her father) found the letter and they read the letter which was for Samuel. Autumn told me that the letter said, “If you touch my daughter again I will…” and there was a threat. Autumn told me she believed it was from Samuel’s girlfriend’s daughter’s father. Autumn was bitching about Samuel’s girlfriend on MSN Messenger and told me that it was all her fault and she was a “trouble maker” and causing “trouble for Samuel”. When Samuel came home from work, Autumn and her father confronted him and instead of being angry with Samuel and questioning his behaviour, Autumn was pissed off with his girlfriend. Autumn said to me, “this is all her doing” and I said, “So Samuel touched her daughter?” and Autumn said, “Of course he didn’t, Samuel would never do anything like that” and I said, “Why would someone write a letter like that if nothing happened?” I had previously asked Autumn on a separate occasion whether Samuel’s girlfriend knew about Samuel’s interest in children and Autumn told me, “She doesn’t care about anything but Samuel’s money” and she told me he’s financially supporting her children. I told her that she should take the letter to the police and tell them everything that has happened. I didn’t know Samuel’s girlfriend’s daughter’s father and I knew nothing about the fathers of all these children. I thought whoever he was, if he was vandalising and writing threatening letters he should have gone to the police. t was after this incident that I contacted the police again and gave them all the details like I did before as well as this new incident. I told them to investigate and start asking questions. All these people knew what was going on but it didn’t seem like any of them were contacting the police. I was thinking, “Am I the only person contacting the police about this?” I felt like I was the only one going out of my way to do the right thing. I had no evidence but they did and they should have done something about it. Autumn could have taken that letter to the police. After I wrote to the police about it once again, nothing happened that I was aware of.

                Before Samuel got involved with his girlfriend she had her tubes tied because she didn’t want to have any more children. Autumn was paranoid and worried about her brother’s relationship with his girlfriend because she hated her. Autumn told me she looked at Samuel’s phone (Autumn loved to snoop) and she read messages between him and his girlfriend and she said that Samuel was begging his girlfriend to get the operation undone (her tubes untied) so she could have children with him. She wrote to him that she didn’t want to have any more children and he replied, “What about what I want? I want my own children”. Autumn was freaking out about this and was worried he was going to have children with her. I told her that his girlfriend didn’t want to have any more children and she had already had the procedure done to ensure she wouldn’t have children again. I told her she wouldn’t have done this unless she was strongly against the idea of having more children. I thought it was for the best that this woman didn’t have any more children and certainly not any children with Samuel.

                Samuel later moved out of the family home, to Autumn’s relief and moved in with his girlfriend and they were talking about getting married. It was during this time that Autumn and my friendship was coming to an end because of how she was about her brother and because all the other shit she was doing (which I wrote about in Part 1). Samuel’s girlfriend added me on Facebook but Autumn told her to unfriend me straight away which is what she did. She was only on my Facebook for a split second when I no longer associated with Autumn (this was roughly around 2010). I don’t recall what Samuel’s girlfriend’s name was (even though I don’t use real names on my blog) however I do remember before our friendship came to an end that Autumn told me that Samuel’s girlfriend was trying to become friends with Autumn. Autumn probably told her to have nothing to do with me. Samuel never had a Facebook account or any other internet account that I was aware of, he didn’t use Facebook, Twitter or anything like that. He was always mysterious.

                It was around this time when my Dad and Autumn’s mother, Donna had a falling out and broke up. The timing was a blessing. I no longer had to have Autumn and Samuel in my life and they were no longer connected to me through my father’s marriage with their mother.

                It was roughly a year or two later on Australia Day that Sharon, Keith and I (and their children) were at the club just to catch up and have a few drinks. Sharon and I both noticed that Samuel was there with his girlfriend and his two daughters and she clearly looked pregnant. When we both noticed she was pregnant, I thought, “Oh shit”. We were both worried about the child that was going to be born and Sharon told me that I should contact the police and I told her I had already contacted them twice about him and I don’t know if they did anything. If they did, I wasn’t aware of it. She told me to contact them again, so I did. Instead of writing it on their website, which seemed useless I just wrote the whole thing down on paper in my own handwriting and gave them names, addresses and all the information that I’ve written here. I also gave them Autumn’s name and Claire’s name because they were both witnesses as well. I also told them to start asking questions, look into his computer, look at his searches, question the children, question everyone involved and I told them to question the girl’s father who had vandalized Autumn’s cat’s grave and left that letter. Even though I had no evidence of what Samuel was doing I knew there were people who knew about it. I also knew that there were probably people out there who knew about it (that I wasn’t aware of). I don’t understand why nobody was contacting the police. I sent it to the police (local police). I didn’t know where Samuel was living at the time but I did know where Autumn and her father was living the last time I had interacted with her so I gave them that address. I also didn’t know where Claire was living because she and Gary were always breaking up and moving, however I gave the police whatever information I could.

After Dad broke up with Donna I didn’t hear from him in a long time so I thought it was possible that the police may have done something about it and I just didn’t know about it.

                More than a year passed when I was walking in Westfield and I walked past Samuel’s girlfriend who was pushing a pram. I was shocked at first and when I looked into the pram there was a baby inside. Doing basic maths, I realised this couldn’t have possibly have been the same baby that she had been pregnant with when Sharon and I had seen her that day on Australia Day. When I saw her pushing the pram in Westfield I only saw her for a couple of seconds but the baby looked young enough. Common sense told me that Samuel was probably the father; however, I knew she had previously had babies with several different men previously so I couldn’t be sure. Samuel wasn’t with her when I saw her that day, she was with a woman who I didn’t know (I didn’t really know Samuel’s girlfriend that well). I contacted Sharon and she was concerned like I was so I wrote on my Facebook how frustrated I was with the matter and that the police didn’t seem to be doing anything about it (to my knowledge). I wrote that I had already contacted the police and told them everything I knew but she had just had another baby and I think it might be his. My cousin loves children and works with them so she told me to contact DOCs. I don’t know what DOCs was and I didn’t know anything about DOCs but I decided it might be a good idea. I sent them an email and gave them all the information I knew but told them I have no evidence but gave them names and details of the people who knew what I knew. I pretty much told them the same as what I had already told the police. I sent it to them but it wasn’t long after that they replied and told me that I sent it to the wrong email address. So I sent it back and asked them if they could send it to the right location as this is about a matter concerning children’s safety and I do not know what the right address to send this information to. I sent it and they didn’t reply and I hoped they had forwarded to the right location.

                I just felt like I was doing everything in vain and I felt so powerless. I just felt with all the people who knew about Samuel and all those who had their suspicions should have gone forward to the police about it. If someone else had contacted the police and backed up this information with what they knew or witnessed it would have given strength to the situation.

                I don’t know if anything has happened to Samuel as I do not have any contact with Donna or Autumn and I haven’t seen Samuel or his girlfriend in years and I believe they have most likely moved away or perhaps he is in prison. If he hasn’t gone to prison yet, I do believe there is a possibility he will in the future, it will happen when it is too late when it could have been stopped years ago when I had first contacted the police (or when other people who knew about it should have contacted the police). The damage might have already been done and those kids could have their entire lives destroyed before they even become adults. I just hope someone who knows something will go to the police and do something about it. I don’t understand why all these people are turning a blind eye to it. If anything happens I have the gut feeling that it will be one of the children who will expose him. I don’t know where Samuel is living now but he has an extremely common name and it would be difficult to find his location on the internet and you can’t find him online (he doesn’t use Facebook). I don’t know his girlfriend’s name but I think her name was common as well. I don’t know the names of her two children she had living with her.

                A few years after I stopped being friends with Autumn I was having dinner with some family members and my cousin was talking about Autumn and she asked me about Samuel, “What is Samuel doing now? I imagine he’s just sitting around the house like a big fat slob and has a woman doing everything for him.” And I told her about Samuel and his interest in children. She told me at the Christmas family gatherings when us kids would be swimming in the pool that Samuel would go up to her and touch her all the time. She told me he was even creepy back then.


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