I dislike Central Station in Sydney. It’s always dark and gloomy and there's a grey cloud above it. I just feel completely lost and confused. I prefer Town Hall.

Matthew used to work at Central Station at the bar that used to be there, Hungry Jacks replaced it. Once I went to Central to meet Matthew after work so we could just hang out in Sydney and have a few drinks; but as we were sitting at Central this feral guy smashed the glass of this food bistro and we were witnesses to what happened so we had to go to the police station and answer all these questions. They took our names and phone numbers but the police never got back to me so I didn’t have to go to court. That kind of ruined our plans for the night. I can’t stand feral trouble makers but they seem so prominent in my life regardless of what I do.

I also don’t like the public toilets at Central train station but I dislike a lot of public toilets. I’ve seen a lot better though. The toilets at Central are so gross. It’s like one big public toilet and it smells like one too.

I just don’t like Central.


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