My dream blog

I had a dream last night that we were going to see our aunt’s dads farm. It was made into a tourist site and the farm was extremely classy and nice, even the barns looked fit enough for royalty. It all looked nice and we walked towards this eatery part and there was a lot of meat on the menu, and it was written that all the meat came from the farm. Lots of tourists were buying the food products on the menu but I didn’t eat anything.

We walked into this barn area where there were all these cows lined up, very much like they are at the Sydney Royal Easter Show, one next to each other with metal fences inbetween each cow. But intead of their bums facing us, their faces were facing us.

We (my mother and I) walked away for a minute and when we returned (because there was only one exit way), the cows were all dead and lying on the ground, just their bodies, and their heads had been removed (most likely cut off when they were still alive) and their heads were missing.

My aunt’s father explained that it is good for people to see where their food is coming from and how it’s done. I was extremely distraught and we were both trying to work out how we are going to get out of this barn without having to walk through the blood and having to walk past all the deceased cow bodies.

I thought it was cruel but my mother thought it was a good idea. There was a man who worked there who beheaded the animals, he said he is proud of his job and had been working there for years. The other tourists weren’t too bothered by it and were calm like they had seen it all before.

I wanted to leave so we did, on the way out I saw a baby lamb in the middle of a roundabout on the road. It had a pink ribbon around its neck, but instead of it being wrapped in a bow, the bow was hanging down all messy. The lamb looked like it was stunned and it didn’t show fear or any reaction at all. I knew if I left it there it would die just like the cows. So I took the lamb and had it on my lap and I told it that I won’t let anyone hurt it and it was safe with me. 


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